Fun Italian Sayings
"Sei fuori come un balcone!"
Literally: You are out like a balcony!
You are totally nuts!
"Acqua in bocca"
Literally: water in mouth
Don’t talk about this, keep it a secret.
"Fare la gatta morta"
To pretend to be innocent or dumb while having hidden intentions
"Non avere peli sulla lingua"
Literally: not to have hair on your tongue
To talk freely without trying to be nice, or polite
"Avere un diavolo per capello"
Literally: to have a devil for hair
To be furious, mad as hell
"Essere pazzo come un cavallo"
Literally: to be crazy like a horse
To be totally crazy.
"Non tutte le ciambelle escono col buco."
Literally: Not all doughnuts come out with a hole.
Not everything happens as you wish.
"A caval donato non si guarda in bocca."
Literally: Don’t look in the mouth of a gift horse.
Accept gifts as they are, without complaining.
"Alzare il gomito"
Literally: to lift the elbow
To get wasted with alcohol